Die Last (DC Max Wolfe) Tony Parsons

Die Last (DC Max Wolfe) - Tony Parsons
Автор: Парсонс Тони
Издательство: Random House, 2018 г.
  • Ответственный редактор: Молодежев Теймураз Тимурович
  • Верстка: Аржатский Аким Григорьевич
  • Корректор: Кудесников Онисим Артемьевич
  • Количество страниц: 374
  • Формат: txt, fb2, pdf

Аннотация к книге "Die Last (DC Max Wolfe)"
As dawn breaks on a snowy February morning, a refrigerated lorry is found parked in the heart of London's Chinatown. Inside, 12 women, apparently illegal immigrants, are dead from hypothermia. But in the cab, DC Max Wolfe finds 13 passports. Twelve dead women. Thirteen passports. The hunt for the missing woman will take Max Wolfe into the dark heart of the world of human smuggling, mass migration and 21st-century slave markets.
There is a fate worse than death in this fifth instalment of the sensational Max Wolfe series, from best-selling author Tony Parsons. Электронная книга Die Last (DC Max Wolfe) Tony Parsons.

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  • Die Last (DC Max Wolfe) Tony Parsons

  • Die Last (DC Max Wolfe) Tony Parsons
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